The challenge of working with the deaf

Elisee Kabore

Author: Elisee Kabore

At the beginning of this year, I, Elisee Kabore was sent to Guadeloupe Parish to do my apostolate with a community of the deaf. This parish tries to help all those who are deaf to better their lives. A deaf is a person with a hearing impairment. The deaf community includes the deaf themselves, their family members, and all those who have learnt the sign language and work with them. Fr. Martinez, the one in charge of the deaf community at Continue reading

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Tunisia: A Land of Saints and Dialogue

Saint Louis cathedral built by Cardinal Lavigerie in 1890

Author: Donatien Mpawenayo

I, Donatien will never stop speaking about Tunisia. A country now known as a place where our main apostolate that consists of dialogue and encounter with Muslims. This land however was a place where great saints, such as saint Cyprian, saint Felicitus, saint Perpetua, and great Theologians like Tertullian lived. Is Tunisia still having something that would attract us as missionaries to really want to be there?
Unlike Algeria which is the largest Continue reading

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